
1. To write or draw on the blackboard (except when called upon to do so), to soil walls or maps or anything else, any things absolutely to be avoided.

2. Take great care of your textbooks, ‘blank books and other belongings. Beware of’ appropriating your neighbour properly, even if it be the smallest thing, should you find any lost article, give it at once to the Class Teacher/Principal. .

3. Keep the floor clean by allowing no paper or ink to fall on it. Cleanliness and purity of soul are reflected by a clean and neat exterior.

4. Speak no ill of your mates, or of the discipline of management of the School. Everyone is perfectly free to remain or not to remain in the school.

5. Always speak well of your school and of your teacher.

6. Performances on the stage of the school auditorium are permitted for your instruction and entertainment. They should help to bring out the finer qualities of your heart and never be an occasion for the least in.

7. To enter the assembly hall in a great hurry or to run the risk of hurting your companions, to try to go ahead of others in order to secure a better seat, to stand when you should be seated to shout, to whistle to boo or hiss or in any other way give evidence of disapproval or dislike are things absolutely to be avoided.

8. Do not ridicule anyone for his mistakes or awkwardness when the curtain is lowered applaud generously but not boisterously.

9. Be gentlemen-like when things have not been according to, your taste or as perfect as you expected them to be.

10. In leaving the auditorium do not push or shove one another. Go out in an orderly manner.

21 MAY - 12 JUNE 2024, OFFICE WILL REMAIN OPEN FROM 09.00 AM - 02:00 PM.

AN ISO 9001 : 2015 &
