1. Remember that we have been created in order to love and serve God, our Creator and that all learning and wealth in this world amount to nothing without the fear of God, on which our temporal and eternal welfare depend.
2. Give glory to God for whatever learning you have, for he is the Author of every book.
3. Give yourself to the practice of Virtue while you are young. The virtue to be cultivated most are modesty (Purity), humility, obedience and kindness.
4. By modesty is meant a proper and decent manner of speaking and acting. This virtue is one of the best ornaments of your age.
5. Avoid any. kind of sin, especially three evils should be particularly avoided.
a) the taking of the name of God in vain. ‘
b) impurity to thought, word or deed,
c) stealing
These evils draw down God’s anger upon us. But if we keep these evils far away from us. God will never fail us with his blessings.