1. Students should look upon their school mates as brother and upon their teachers and superious-as father/mother.
2. Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not Be grateful towards those who taught you in the past. Show your teachers those exterior signs of reverence to which they are entitled such as greeting them whenever you meet.
3. Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the best way they possibly can, and that in advising commanding and correcting you, they have nothing else in view but your own good.
4. After play, study is most praise worthy. Therefore, your first occupation must consist in doing the tasks assigned to you by your teachers.
5. Always rise when your teachers enter the class and again when they leave. lt they delay in coming, do not make any noise, but wait for them in your place in silence, reviewing your lesson or reading some good book.
6. During class avoid whispering or interrupting.