1. The School holds assessments and orals before the Half-yearly and the Annual Examinations.
2. Requests for change of any examinations or re-examinations shall not be entertained.
3. All school dues must be cleared before the examination otherwise the admit cards will not be handed over to the student without which the student can not appear for examination.
4. Scholastic achievement will be evaluated as under:
Nature of Evaluation | Full Marks | Weightage of periodicals |
Internals I (assessment I & II + notebook) | 20+20+10 | 10% |
Half yearly Exam | 80+20 ( oral / project / practical) | 30% |
Internals II (assessment III & IV + notebook) | 20+20+10 | 10% |
Annual exam | 80+20 (oral / project / practical) | 50% |
Positive Marks:
Commendable performance in class room per entry. +1
(i) Monthly inspection.per month +1
(ii) Diary entry per term upto +5
(iii) Condition of Diary upto +5
Winning in school competitions or elsewhere (Provided certificate is shown):
(i ) lst +5
(ii) 2nd +4
(iii) 3rd +3
Co-curricular or extra curricular activities in school +3
Office bearers upto +10